GLE is an interactive Graphics Language Editor. (for VAX installation see INSTALL.TXT) GLE is NOT WYSIWYG, it shows you a close approximation to what you will get, but fonts, line widths, colors may all be slightly incorrect. Please send reports of bugs (including the GLE file) to: in%"" The rest of this file contains version update notices, they are in REVERSE chronological order. (e.g. recent changes first) NOTE: The command is CGLE, but the package is called GLE. You might find a text only copy of the manual in a file called MANUAL.TXT Note: if you are ordering coppies of the gle manual please pay by bank draft in NZ $'s made out to Industrial Research Ltd. Chris Pugmire. GLE 3.3g (14-May-1994) ------------------------ Ported to ALPHA OSF/1, some bugs still exist though. Merged changes made for gle32 and solaris and linux. GLE 3.3f (16-APRIL-1993) ------------------------ fixed bug on sun's with axis labelling. dviprint -dsx Sixel graphics driver added to GLE DVIPRINT, thanks to: Evan Wilson, N Z Dairy Group Fixed RETURN statement so that it takes an optional parameter. (It always did, but why it used to work I don't know as the parameter wasn't optional) Added a yaxis option yaxis negate This is reversed the numbering on the y axis. For use with measurements below ground, where you want zero at the top and positive numbers below the zero. GLE 3.3e (1-Jan-1993) ---------------------- Fixed clipping of lines through a log axis. Fixed help display which was loosing two lines on multi page displays. GLE3.3D ------- Problem with SMOOTH on SUN machines fixed. fixed bug with named objects on postscript driver. added -nops qalifier to dviprint. GLE 3.3c (1-Apr-1992) ---------------------- Fixed problems with large datasets in surface and contour Fixed problem with /kern/lower/movexy and other def's Fixed bug with dviprint -depson -hires -nosquash Fixed bug with smoothing contours which made lines dissappear. (20-Sep-1992) Fixed bug with UNTIL looping. Removed limit of number of 'saved' points. (1-DEC-1992) Fixed tokenizer so "ab\"cdef" would accent the 'c' as expected. GLE 3.3b (25-Mar-1992) ---------------------- Bigfile now accepts variables in place of the file name, e.g. xxx$ = "test.dat,2,3" d1 bigfile xxx$ Added AUTOSCALE option to bigfile e.g.: d1 bifile a.dat line autoscale This pre-reads the file to scale the axis, which is slow but sometimes required. Updated version of inittex.ini which was causing problems with /char /def /movexy UNIX: now copies graph.idx into system area. VMS: dviprint symbol added to CGLE_LOGIN.COM GLE 3.3a (27-Jan-1992) ---------------------- Bug: lowercase xnames labels being mis-aligned is fixed. Gle now writes out gletmp.t1 .t2 .t3 .t4 instead of .bak so you have four backup versions if something crashes. Fixed axis rounding errors for labels, e.g. .1 to .9 step .1 might occasionally stop at .8 Fixed filled boxes on DVIGLE driver, the filled region wasn't being translated if a scale or rotate was being used. Added commands: fopen, fclose, fread, freadln, fwrite, fwriteln E.G.: fopen "file.dat" inchan read fopen "file.out" outchan write until feof(inchan) fread inchan x y z aline x y rline x z fwriteln outchan x*2 "y =" y next fclose inchan fclose outchan The following accents now work. \` \' \v \u \= \^ \. \H \~ \" e.g. text P\'e ter GLE 3.2i (1-Jan-1992) --------------------- Improvements made to lstyle for dot matrix and laserjet drivers. It now works!, patterns which don't divide into 32 bits and dashlen are both supported. (Thanks to Frank Evans) HPGL driver modified, now supports sizes greater than a3. New symbols HPGL_ADDX, HPGL_ADDY add a margin to the plot. These default to .9cm and 1.5cm Bug in 'E' format numbers, 5e+7 was interpreted as 5+7 = 12 instead of 50,000,000 (5e7 was always interpreted correctly) GLE 3.2g (1-Nov-1991) --------------------- All bitmap dot matrix drivers have been re-written: dvigle dvilj, dvilj300, dviepson, dviep24 They now perform clipping and filling correctly, funny glitches in filled characters (texcmr) have been fixed. They also support a much wider range of fill styles Print the file DVIFILL.GLE to see the supported fill options. The command syntax has changed, the commands: dvilj, dvilj300, dviepson, dviep24 Have been replaced by: dviprint -dlj dviprint -dlj -hires (was dvilj300) dviprint -depson dviprint -depson -hires (was dviep24) Support for HP-PaintJet printers has been added: dviprint -dpj Usage: dviprint [-depson | -dlj] [-old] [-hires] [-debug] [-output xx.prt] -depson To produce output for epson printers -dwp To add tiff image to wp .eps file -dlj To produce output for HP LaserJet printers -dpj To produce output for HP PaintJet printers -dover Overhead transparency mode for PaintJet -old For old HP Laser Jet printers (no compression) -hires Uses high resolution for that printer (slower) -wide If your printer has a wide carriage -noflip Disable's auto flipping -nosquash Tries to print it full size -compress Force internal bitmap compression (slow,saves memory) -noff No form feed -debug Prints debug messages -out x.x Prints output to file instead of printer port ... 3d Bar graphs are now supported, the commands are: bar d1,d2 3d .5 .3 side red,green notop bar d3,d4 3d .5 .3 side red,green top black,white Take note of comma's. 3d (xoffset yoffset) Specifies the x and y vector used to draw the receding lines, they are defined as fractions of the width of the bar. A negative xoffset will draw the 3d bar on the left side of the bar instead of the right hand side. side (color list) The color of the side of each of the bars in the group. top (color list) The color of the top part of the bar notop Turns off the top part of the bar, use this if you have a stacked bar graph so you only need sides on the lower parts of each stack. Note: You won't see the color of the side or top on the pc screen. GLE 3.2 (6-Mar-1991) --------------------- File type changed from STREAM_LF to normal vax format. SMOOTHM option added which is identical to SMOOTH but will allow multi-valued functions. (e.g. circles etc) TWIDTH("") and THEIGHT("") functions fixed again. ...V3.2b DEFINE MARKER myname subnamex MARKER myname Allows you to define a new marker as any subroutine. e.g. to define a character from the postscript ZapDingbats font as a marker you would use. sub subnamex size mdata gsave ! save font and x,y set just left font pszd hei size t$ = "\char{102}" rmove -twidth(t$)/2 -theight(t$)/2 ! Centers marker write t$ grestore ! restores font and x,y end sub The second parameter can be supplied using the MDATA command when drawing a graph, this gives the marker subroutine a value from another dataset to use to draw the marker. For example the marker could vary in size, or angle, with every one plotted. d3 MARKER myname MDATA d4 Encapsulated Postscript option modified so that WordPerfect won't clip the edge of the drawing. On a PC the /EPS qualifier will now create a file using an extension of .EPS instead of .PS DEFMARKER mname fontname char_num scale dx dy This command defines a new marker, from any font, it is automatically centered but can be adjusted using dx,dy. e.g. defmarker hand pszd 43 1 0 0 Bug in set color in PS devices which caused the color to affect a previous line is fixed. Added built in function which returns a string describing the device. e.g. DEVICE$() = "HARDCOPY, PS," on the postscript driver. This can be used to use particular fonts etc on appropriate devices. E.g.: if pos(device$(),"PS,",1)>0 then set font psncsb end if POS(src$,search$,start) string function fixed (surprise surprise) The editor now tolerates lines > 80 characters. Fixed bug which caused incorrect characters to be drawn on pc screen occasionally. ...3.2c Pressing ESC repeatedly will now abort a redraw operation. (on PC) Load and Saveas will now default to .GLE Bug with tex macro replacement fixed. Bug with mouse cursor not appearing on HERC screens is fixed. WPGLE.EXE added, this command will produce a special output file which contains EPS for PostScript printers and a crude bitmap for WordPerfect to display on the screen. ...3.2e Fixed some colour mapping and added, purple, orange, pink, brown. ...3.2f Modified maximum size of dvilj,dvilj300,dviepson,dviep24 so that all can take graphs up to 19cm x 27cm Added command line switches /nod (add ^D to ps file) /addd (Don't add ^D to ps file) /nomaxpath (Don't choke on complex fill paths) /fill (For dvibit, makes bar's filled instead of shaded) Added symbol for PC. GLE_NOCONTROLD TRUE (Stops ^D being added to ps files) (this is the default for unix) The DCL symbol GLE_NOCONTROLD should be set to "TRUE" to kill the ^D on vms systems. If you set the DCL symbol GLE_EDITOR to TPU then you will get TPU instead of EDT when you press ^E You can now tell gle about postscript fonts that you have downloaded into your own printer. Lets pretend we are adding a font called Greek-Bold 1) Download the font into you laser printer 2) Add a line to FONT.DAT psgb 86 psgb.fmt plsr.fve psgb.fmt a b c d a = GLE's name for the font b = The next unused number in font.dat c = The font metric file, this can be created using makefmt from and adobe font metric file (.afm) which you should have been supplied with your font. d = The font vector file, this is just a font that that gle can use to draw your font on non postscript devices. 3) Add a line to psfont.dat psgb Greek-Bold This tells the postscript driver that this is a font that the printer knows how to deal with. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GLE 3.1e (1-Mar-1990) ---------------------- Errbars will now work with the bigfile option. x2ticks now come back on again if you turn the xaxis off and x2axis on (The error bars distances cannot also be a bigfile) if you use a let d1 = exp from 1 to 10000 step 1 with a log xaxis it doesn't produce a smooth line. GLE now checks and if the xaxis is a LOG scale then it uses the step option as an approximate required number of intervals which it spreads along the xaxis in increasing steps. In the graph module, if you use '0' as a column for the x data of a bigfile GLE will generate xdata of 1,2,3,4 ... e.g. d1 bigfile a.dat,0,2 Data separated with commas and no spaces was being read incorrectly The data reading routine has been re-written. (introducing new and more interesting bugs in the process) GLE 3.1d (19-FEB-1990) ----------------------- In the past "TEXT a\delta b" would have produced a space between the delta character and the letter b, this action was incorrect and had been fixed. Use "TEXT a\delta\ b" to get a space. "TEXT a(\delta)b" also works now. GLE 3.1c --------- Built in functions twidth("") and theight("") now work. Their is now a BIGFILE command for executing large gle files that won't fit into memory using INCLUDE. (note this should not be confused with the BIGFILE graph command). e.g. BIGFILE NZMAP.GLE As bigfile compiles and executes the gle file one line at a time you cannot use multi line structures (subs, if then else etc) but you can call subroutines if they are defined before the bigfile statement. Lines in bitmap drivers are now the right length (text looks better) There is currently a limitation on the size of text or tables that can be printed (this may be fixed at a later date) The xg() and yg() functions now work if the graph has log axes A bug which stopped the last line of a data file being read had been fixed. Correction to expression passing allows IF A$="ABC" THEN ... to work. Added shading styles RSHADE, RSHADE1, RSHADE2 ...(Lines at right angles) GLE 3.1b --------- Fixed the circle fill command so it uses the right colour. Modified PostScript arrows with wide lines so they look nice. They are now filled triangles rather than two short lines. There is now an example in BOXR.GLE which shows you how to define a subroutine to draw boxes with rounded corners. Horizontal error bars have been added, the commands are HERR, HERRLEFT, HERRRIGHT, HERRWIDTH If you had the same subroutine defined twice in a gle file it would skip the intervening gle commands, this is fixed. Arcto fixed for line devices (hpgl) Stacked bargraphs should not contain missing values, replace missing values with the value from the column on the left. e.g. 1 22 * 45 becomes 1 22 22 45 GLE 3.1a --------- Bug with reading exponential format numbers fixed. Bigfile option added, so that you can extract particular columns of data from a data file, e.g. D1 LINE BIGFILE TEST.DAT,3,2 Will use column 3 for x values and column 2 for y values. e.g. ' data x.dat d3 line becomes d3 line bigfile x.dat,1,4 As dataset three is made from columns 1 and 4. The space codes (\: \; \,) are now proportional to the current font size. text \rule{2}{3} will draw a box, and \glass can be used to offset text. GLE 3.1 -------- Modified default DPOINTS setting so that if DTICKS is not a whole number it will display one decimal point. e.g. (1.0, 1.5, 2.0) instead of (1 1.5 2) the "graph data d2=c3,c1" option now requires no spaces within the "d1=c1,c2" Begin path wasn't issuing a newpath, so multiple paths got added together. Gle files can now begin with a numeric character. Bug with bitmap drivers fixed (dviepson, dvilj300 etc) which resulted in a stray horizontal line on the page. The editor doesn't display long lines correctly, it does store them though. On the PC the PSGLE driver now writes output files to INPUTFILE.PS instead of e.g. --> Added \linegap{-1} tex primitive to stop odd spaces lines when using super/subscripts. vscale and hscale were not being reset after each graph. Some of the characters which were missing from the PLOTTER fonts have now been installed (e.g. []{}<>% ) You can no add lines and text to a drawing using the mouse or arrow keys on the PC version of gle. There is now a graph command, FULLSIZE which sets vscale,hscale to 1, and turns the border off. GLE 3.0h --------- Fixed bug with LSTYLE in PSGLE (on the pc only) You can change the size of the default key by setting the hei of text used to draw the key. e.g. begin graph ... key hei 1.2 end graph If the value of an error bar length is a missing value then that particular bar won't be drawn. If you escape out of the idiot graph creation menu it will now correctly put an END GRAPH in your file. Line and Grid shading has been added to the postscript device driver, the following colour names are now accepted. shade,shade1,shade2,shade3,shade4,shade5 grid,grid1,grid2,grid3,grid4,grid5 e.g. BAR 2 3 FILL GRID3 Print the example file SHADE.GLE on a postscript printer and stick it on the wall for reference. ($ cgle shade /print) Bug with changing diskdrives on a PC is fixed. The fonts SSBI and SSI were reversed on the laser printer. There is now an axis qualifier SHIFT for shifting the labelling horizontally (when the label refers to the data between the two ticks) e.g. xaxis shift .4 In order to put a large space between two words you must use these control sequences e.g. TEXT Hello \; world \, = .1cm \: = .2cm \; = .4cm Use \_ to get an underscore character inside text ("_" normally means subscript) Fixed X2AXIS SIDE ON HPGL Plotter pens 1=black, 2=red, 3=green, 4=blue, 5=magenta, 6=white Bug fixed in linestyles caused by the cap being set to ROUND which merges the dashes together for wide lines on the laser printer. GLE 3.0g --------- Fixed bug with smoothing more that 200 points Fixed bug with joining between saved objects. When using the plotter fonts you may find some characters are missing, e.g. %,[ and ] (These have now been put into these fonts V3.1) The following command will replace these characters with latex equivalents. size 24 18 text \chardef{%}{{\setfont{texcmr}\char{37}}} text \chardef{[}{{\setfont{texcmr}\char{91}}} text \chardef{]}{{\setfont{texcmr}\char{93}}} ... rest of gle file GLE 3.0e (17-Sep-1990) ----------------------- Missing values are not used to calculate new dataset values during a let command (e.g. "let d3 = sin(d2)") Fixed bug in LOG data display. (If you have used LOG axis prior to this release you SHOULD replot your graphs) The bigfile option now works with markers as well as lines. (e.g. "d3 bigfile "year.dat" lstyle 1 marker dot ") GLE 3.0d (5-SEP-1990) ---------------------- The default labelling of axes is sometimes not ideal, for example 0 0.333333 0.6666667 1.0 you can now adjust this with the command "XAXIS DPOINTS 3" which sets the decimal places for an axis. e.g. 0.000 0.3330.666 1.000 The MSCALE option now works. Markers have been reduced in size, this will affect existing gle files, they are now approx 60% of there original size. The bigfile option now works on postscript printers, there was a bug caused by sending an entire 10,000 point curve to the printer as one path which it choked on if it was short of memory. You will occasionally get an error message "PATH TOO COMPLEX" this means that GLE decided to split up a line into shorter segments. Normally this WARNING can be ignored. The default axis labelling of 1, 1.5, 2 has been changed to 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 Exponent axis labelling has been fixed 2.00000e4 becomes 2.0e4 *** NEW DEVICE DRIVERS *** GLE now supports the EPSON 8PIN and 24Pin printers, and the HP deskjet/laserjet printers. To support bitmap devices which require a large amount of memory GLE first writes a device independent file OUT.DVI, you then run the bitmap driver for your printer and that prints directly to LPT1: e.g. C:\GLE> dvigle myfile (produces OUT.DVI) C:\GLE> dviepson (creates bitmap and prints to lpt1) The output options are: C:\GLE> DVIEPSON Standard epson printer C:\GLE> DVIEP24 24 Pin epson printers (180 dpi) C:\GLE> DVILJ HP Laser jet, Desk jet (150 dpi) C:\GLE> DVILJ300 HP Laser jet, Desk jet (300 dpi) The hi resolution drivers are significantly slower (2-3 times) than the low resolution drivers so would only be used for final copies. By default the fonts (RM, RMB, SS, TT etc) will all map to PLSR (plotter simplex roman) on both bitmap drivers and the HPGL driver. If you want this to happen on other drivers then put the command "PLOTTER FONTS" right after your SIZE command in your gle file. An lwidth of .00001 on a laser printer will give you 1 pixel width lines. (and won't occasionally round to two pixels) Using Postscript and HP drivers on the PC: C:\GLE\> PSGLE MYFILE.GLE (Writes C:\GLE\> HPGLE (Writes out.hp) Making a 360K distribution diskette from the 1.2M diskette. (if a: = 1.2Meg disk, b: = 360K disk) a:> copy a:install.exe b: a:> copy a:pkunzip.exe b: a:> copy b: a:> copy b: a:> copy b: a:> copy b: To install GLE on a pc type: C:\> a:install GLE 3.0c --------- Bug with LaTeX symbols in graph titles fixed. Extra graph dataset qualifiers "BIGFILE and NOMISS" NOMISS removes missing values from a dataset. (so disjointed lines are re-connected) (e.g. "d3 colour red nomiss") BIGFILE allows a very large dataset to be drawn on a PC, it doesn't read the dataset into memory as usual. (but must be in a file with only one dataset, and no BARS or markers can be drawn. And axis ranges must be specified by hand. (e.g. "d3 bigfile "year.dat" lstyle 1") Fonts: The LaTeX greek font is missing from the small distribution disk. It is now possible to copy on any missing font directly into the c:\gle\font\ directory. Copy both the FMT and FVE files. e.g. "texcmmi.fmt, texcmmi.fve" set join mitre | round | bevel set cap but | round | square Fixed: Superscript, Subscript Symbols on Laser Printer after white fill. Individual dataset scaling fixed. Notes on new Drivers: HPGL, TEK4010, P79. HPGL: With this driver you can define the symbols hpgl_open, hpgl_close to be the escape sequences required for strange hp printers. also HPGL_WIDTH, and HPGL_HEIGHT for non A3 plotters TEK: TEK_OPEN and TEK_CLOSE can be defined to allow non dec tektronix terminals, e.g. TEK_OPEN = "^[?38h" (this is normally done in CGLECMD.COM so that when you specify /DEV=V550, OR /DEV=HPA4 it defines the symbols for you. On the vax the following cgle dev qualifiers are valid: cgle /dev=vdisk,v550,hpgl,tek Plus any P79 supported device, your output file will be MYFILE.HPGL GLE 3.0b --------- 2) Currently supported devices: PC version: HERC, EGA, CGA, etc (any BGI supported display) PostScript VAX version: REGIS(VT125,VT240,VT340 etc) UIS (Workstations running VWS software) PostScript (additions to this list lower down) 3) Fonts: The PC version comes on one 360K floppy, on this disk is a subset of fonts, if you use a font that isn't on this disk it will use a replacement font, and replacement metrics so the size of the text may be misleading. If you have enough disk space (another 1Meg) then you can install the complete font set. 4) PostScript: The PSGLE driver is not on the 360K Floppy, you must install it separately if you have enough disk space (another 400K) (or copy gle and data files to a VAX and use the vax PS driver) 5) Using GLE on a VT100/VT240 If your keyboard doesn't have function keys (f9-f14) then you can use GOLD 1-4 (for 11-14) and GOLD 0 (for f10) and GOLD 9 (for F9) GOLD 5 (show errors) If you run GLE on a vt100 it will work OK but not actually DRAW anything on the screen (as it thinks it's a vt240) 6) Other keyboard features: ^F will toggle between fast and slow (but nicer text) on some devices ^E will call VAX/EDT ^Z Exits from all menu's etc (like ESC on a PC) ALT-X Exits on a PC without asking you for confirmation. 7) There are currently no drivers for Plotters or DotMatrix Printers, these are planned for the next month or two (see update notices below) 8) Additions: The command "SET FONTLWIDTH value" has been added, this allows the line width of stroked fonts to be changed.